Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday November 18

Hippie Day:  Today the Class Reps decided to increase our school spirit by having a Hippi dress up day.

English:  All of the good copies of the Cave Art story are due Monday, complete with "dress ups" indicated in the margins.

PE- Photos of 1/2 the green team participating in Tae Bo, and Pilates


Permission forms: If your son/daughter wants to watch the performance of "Alice in Wonderland" next Friday morning, they need to turn in the permission form monday.  We need to confirm numbers for the bus, as well as determine if we need any parent drivers.

Science:  All students should be starting to gather information for their report/project on protecting the ecosystem.  A variety of project ideas have come up from the students, including protecting local endangered species, promoting pet population controls/SPCA issues, water conservation, local stream cleanups, city street garbage, and recycling use.  Please ask your child if they turned in their written proposal for this project, which will mostly be done outside of school

French- They will be presenting weather reports Tuesday (div 6) and Today (div 5)  Videos or photos to be posted Tuesday

Math 7-The grade 7 boys were taking turns teaching each other the concepts for the Mid Unit Review.  Research shows that being able to teach a concept to someone else makes for a deeper understanding of the topic.  Here are some of the photos from today's Math class


1 comment:

  1. Happy Hippi Day!
    Jakob was not himself today and stayed in bed and read all day.
    nice pictures
