Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012

Enjoy the holiday break!

The Green Team Teachers would like to extend their greetings for the season, and wish you all safe travels if you are heading out of town for the Christmas break.  We wanted to share a few photos of the students' creations with our snow sculptures yesterday.

A creative turtle!

Artistic interpretation of Mdm Wocknitz and Mr. Martin??

An exploding volcano

A Christmas tree complete with decorations

A glowing fireplace

One of a series of snow angels

Sunday, December 16, 2012

last week of classes before Christams

Welcome everyone to the final week of classes before the Christmas break.  The students of Green Team have asked for a fun day on Friday, and in order to keep the costs down, we  as the teachers, decided to rent the Centenial Theatre and show a movie in the morning.  After that, we plan to have a series of Improv Theatre acts, which proved very popular last year.  We are also hoping to cook a hot dog lunch for all the students, and then dismiss them for the dance at 12:20.

Mr. Martin's English class:
We have spent the last week or so practicing with nouns.  We were learning about how to properly put the apostrophe in place for posessive nouns, as well as the correct form of proper and common nouns, as well as singular and plural nouns

Mr. Martin's Socials:
We worked on taking notes from videos related to the Roman Empire.  This week we will be looking at Roman Aqueducts

Mr. Martin's Science:
We have almost completed our study of chapter 2, Microscopic Organisms.  The students will have a choice of writing a test on the material, or producing a writeup/poster on each of the main ideas in the unit.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mr.Poirier's Div07

Report Cards will be sent home today, Dec 7th - please have your son/daughter return their signed envelope next week.  As I signed the reports and scanned over the marks from Div07 I am very pleased with how our students did term 1.  Over half of the Div07 students received an academic award for either Achievement, Effort or Principals list.  Congratulations to you Div07 for a successful start to the 2012-2013 year, and more importantly, congratulations to you as parents and guardians for encouraging and monitoring your child's academic progress.  Keep it up Div07!!

English: We will complete our short stories unit before the holiday break.  To Build a Fire responses are now dueThe Hockey Sweater News article will also be due next week, Wednesday Dec 12th.

Social Studies: We are now starting a brief unit on early Roman Civilization before we move onto the Medieval Europe Unit after Xmas break.  Students can expect a quiz on mapping, determining Lat/Long on a map, various map terms we have covered and identifying elevations on a topographic map before the break.

The interview with a Viking presentations are now complete.  Students had some very interesting interviews and demonstrated their knowledge of what they learned in a fun and creative way.  Thank you to all the parents who assisted in the making/promotion (IE;feeding other kids who stayed over to shoot the interview!) of the interviews.

These last 2 weeks are going to be very busy, hang on and keep your hands inside the ride at all times.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday December 5, 2012

English-Martin:  After viewing several of the writing examples from the class, I have decided to spend several classes on punctuation.  We have gone through capitalization rules, and use of proper and common nouns.  We spent today working on plural nouns and what they end in (s, es, ies)

Math- The grade 7 boys had a brief quiz on converting fractions to decimals

Science- both division 5 and 6 should have the chapter 2 vocabulary handed in.

Socials-  Mr. Martin's class has been viewing a few videos on early Roman culture.  They should be able to explain why Rome became such a large empire, some of the rulers of the empire, and what happened to a country if they lost in a war to Rome.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday November 26, 2012

Wow, this is a very busy week for some students.  Many students are having one last chance to hand in major projects for marking.  In Mr. Martin's class, end of novel projects are due this Thursday, both science classes have the chapter 1 test on Wednesday or Thursday, and some students needed to turn in their Viking story.

Science:  We will have the test this week, and then start learning about how cells combine to make tissue, tissue combines to make organs, and organs combine to make a system.

English:  All students should be done reading the novel by now, and finishing off their models, menus, interviews, and other projects of thier choice for the end of the novel assignment.

Socials:  Today we started our look at the ancient Roman empire.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday November 21, 2012

Mr. Martin's Class
Science:  Most of the 3-D models of plant and animal cells have come in.  I took a photo and printed it off for each one, and the students needed to staple it to their assessment sheet, and include the information on each part.  We are almost finished the chapter, and both classes will have a test on chapter 1 in the next week or two.

English:  The Viking stories are now late.  This was a "Game Day" activity, so the students know that this mark will be included into their term 1 report card mark.  The students are to have chosen an end of the novel activity from the list of over 15 choices.  Some students have chosen to create a meal using 2 food items mentioned in the novel, others have chosen to interview one of the characters, or even create a model of the island or the airship.  The students should be all finished reading the novel, and working on this project, which should come in November 30th.

Socials:  We are finishing up the last of the worksheets on Vikings, and moving into the study of ancient Rome

Art:  There are only approximately 5 classes left, and students are to have met with me to discuss their recent projects (carving/Tye Dye Tshirts/)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Report Cards already??!! Thats right, theyre just around the corner!  That said, students will notice that teachers will be asking for ALL overdue assignments and projects to be in by the end of this week. 

English: Short Stories Unit; The Sniper and Responses, A Secret for Two and Responses.  Now WAAAYY overdue (but I will still accept until the end of the week) the ABC story, and the Moose and the Sparrow responses.

Social Studies:  We are just about completed our Vikings Unit, with the final project being an assignment called 'Interview a Viking' where students are to use an electronic device of their own (Ipod, Smartphone, Video Cam, etc) and conduct an interview with a Viking - the criteria is a script of their interview (typed) and 8 factual questions and answers from the material they have learned over the unit.  Students will present their interview via a media player from the class computer onto the projector.  Students are asked to have checked their media/video file to be sure that it works on a PC format with video and audio.  They can bring the file in on a jump drive, email it to me at:

or post it on Youtube, Vimeo, or a social media site of their choice - however, this is a risky option that we have discussed if for whatever the internet is down when it comes to presentation time.

This Interview a Viking Project is due:  Tuesday, November 27th.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday November 16, 2012

Art Exploration;  One of the activities that some of the Green team students chose to do instead of creating a cottonwood bark carving was creating their own Tye Dye T-shirts.  Here is a photo of the final results!
Science:  Here is an image of one of the many 3D models of Plant and Animal cells that are due on Monday and Tuesday of next week.  They needed to create a cell labelled with the various "organelles" we are learning about, and describe each purpose.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wed November 14, 2012

Science- Martin:  The students have a project to create a 3D model of a plant or animal cell.  They still have a week to create the project, and each have a copy of the marking criteria for it.

English-Martin:  The students should be finishing off the novel Airborn.  I am planning to give them a series of end of novel ideas to choose from, including creating a video, writing a song, or creating a model of the island.  They will be able to choose 1 of the 10-15 ideas, and have approximately 1 week to create it.  I am hoping that all students will be finished reading the novel by the end of next week.

Socials-Martin: We continued our study of the Vikings with a reading assignment and questions to go with the reading.  Students were also given an assessment sheet to fill out for the socials garden tool project from last month.  This is a website to help support the local foodbank.  The contest allows users to enter once per day, and Kraft will dontate 50 cents for each entry, with a $5000 prize awarded at the end of the December.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mr.Poirier's Div 07

English: reminder that the ABC story is now overdue! Please hand it in now!! Cut off is end of this week, Fri Nov 9th.

Social Studies: The Viking Booklet is due this Friday, Nov 9th

Code Phrase: pray for snow!

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2, 2012

A HUGE thank you  to all the parents and students and the entire community that came out to support the Haunted House.  On a special note, Mrs. Hannah donated all the left over hot chocolate, and the amazing rice crispy treats for the team.  The students decided to sell them at lunch on Thurs and Fri, and donate the proceeds to the Taylor Van Diest trail...your children are such an amazing group to think of Taylor and her family!

In English, Mr. Martin's class worked on finishing off a comparison of Kate and Matt from the novel, as well as come up with a drawing to represent their version of the Cloud Cat from the novel.

In Science, both classes should be all done their lab writeup on the onion skin.  We looked at them under the microscope and added Iodine to make the nucleus stand out more.

In Math, the grade 7 boys wrote their chapter 1 exam, and we marked it in class.  They should get them back on Monday.

In X-block, the survival group were lucky enough to have our local Conservation Officer, Grant Smith, come in and display skulls from various predators of the interior, and talk about ways to avoid conflicts with animals

We didn't have Socials this week due to Halloween, and other interuptions.  We will be continuing our look at Vikings on Monday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mr.Poirier's Div07

Thanks to all the parents who came out for Parent Teacher Interviews!  It was so great to meet all of you and to see so many of you really shows me how committed you are to your child's education.  We find as teachers, as the student gets older, the fewer parents we see.  Thanks for being proactive and staying involved!!

English: My ABC story is now DUE!  Short story "A Secret for Two" responses are DUE Friday, Oct 26th.

Dont forget to bring your Twoonie for Twoonie Tuesday, which runs all week!!

Students and Parents - be sure to check out the Haunted House Activities for Green Team - its our teams major fundraiser and all proceeds from helping out go directly to our team for field trips.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

THURS October 18

Today, many of our students are in Vancouver for the youth celebration at Rogers Arena. 1000's of young people from all across the province will be there to celebrate the power of young people!

Haunted House;
We still need many more student and adult helpers for this event.  Contact Mr. Martin if you need more information

Parent Teacher Interviews
Hopefully, your child has brought home the form for you to pick a time for next Wednesday or Thursday.  If not, please contact your teacher asap

English- Martin
The students worked on a Wanted Poster for the main villian in their novel.  Final versions of the poster are due this Monday morning

Mr. Martin gets to cut his own hair, many people were close to getting 100%, but no one quite got that much.  Chapter 1 vocabulary was not done completely by many students.  A very good understanding of vacabulary is essential to understanding the science material.

Foods Exploration
Unfortunately, we only had one response from a parent who had some ideas to share for some cultural craft/cooking idea.  Mr. Martin will be teaching all the students for one term of explorations this year, and was hoping to use the foods room as well. Please ask your child about the letter I sent home last week.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mr.Poirier's (Div07) English and Socials Classes

October is half way over already! Wow time is flying by.  Interim reports, Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Oct 25-26 - watch this site and the LWMS page for updates and sign up times.  However, if you ever have any questions or concerns please call me at the school or email me - - I will return your message!

English: Div 07 continues to work on the Short Stories unit.  We have just started a new assignment, The ABC story which will be due on Monday, Oct 22.  On the Bridge and Moose and the Sparrow responses are now due.

Social Studies: We have begun to examine Maps and their components such as scale and projection.  There will be a Canada Map Quiz (capitals and provinces) on Wed, Oct 17th.

Have a great weekend! Snows coming:)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

HCE (Health and Career Education) :
We are completing our Mission Statements in "Good Copy" form
(Due: Monday, October 15 - divisions 5 and 7; Tuesday, October 16 - division 6)
to put into our HCE Duotangs.  Our next task is to re-write our tentative personal, academic and health goals into SMART goal format and so that they are relevant to our Mission Statements. 
There are 2 hand-outs posted - we will have them in class, but just in case they walk away, or you would like to see what we are doing in class, check them out!

                 *** You can come and see our duotangs during Parent/Teacher Interviews! ***

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday October 9, 2012

Martin-Science  Today Madame Wocknitz class wrote their Science safety quiz.  A few of them said that I am in danger of getting a hair cut designed by them if they get 100% on the test.  Notice the intense concentration of some of their faces.

English-Mr. Martin's class is writing back "Advice Letters" from Dear Abby for their novel assignment.  They also need to turn in a paragraph on why/why not they should be chosen as the class rep.

Art Explorations:  Here are some of the students working on the "Art Rubbings" project for their exploration class with Mr. Martin.  They needed to use a variety of colors and textures in their project.  They will finish off this second art project of the term this Thursday.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday October 4th, 2012

Martin's Class

English- Students should be reading chapter 4-5 of the novel.  Today I introduced a topic called "Dear Abby"  They are writing as the main character to ask for assistance about not getting the job on the airship they were promised.  Please give them some ideas and let them tell you about their character, what he may be thinking, feeling, and able to do about the issue

Math 7 boys- today we reviewed a homework sheet, and the boys gave me a self assessment of their work on the homework.

Explorations-  I will be asking for some parent help in "hopefully" doing some cooking with the students.  I want to take a look at 3-4 cultures and hope to get some parents/grandparents in to spend a day or two talking about their culture, and finding a couple food items to prepare, cook, eat and clean up within one hour....not much of a challenge there is it!

Thursday Ocober 4, 2012

Rose Swanson Hike Photos - This may take some time to load...
Health and Career Education
We did a "trust" exercise this week where we blind-folded a group member and verbally lead them through a series of obstacles.  I requested they try to work with others they may not know well.  Their feedback on the experience was insteresting!  Many felt very trusting and others had some difficulty allowing others to lead them.  It was also another opportunity to learn about themselves!

Here is a link to a blog that truly has a great description of Mission Statements for those still working towards their statement:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mr.Poirier's English 7/8

We have started our short stories unit and have covered 2 stories thus far, On the Bridge and The Moose and the Sparrow - Response Questions for both are DUE: Friday, Oct 5th.

Please keep checking this blog for Due dates and any other upcoming class events.

Remember: Friday is Hat Day in Div07, bring your favorite chapeau! 

Code Word: POWDER

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

MARTIN Tuesday October 2, 2012

English-  We worked on vocab from chapter 3, and turned in all of the wanted posters.  They should be reading chapter 4 of the novel now.

Science-  Safety tests are on Friday (Martin) and Tuesday (Wocknitz)  Tomorrow we will start looking at the characteristics of all living things.

Explorations- Mr. Martin's art group should now be all done their folding paper project, where we cut up two photos, and glued them into strips on opposite facing sides of a folded paper (it looks like a paper fan).  This allows the "fan" to show 2 photos at once, simply by turning the fan to look at it from the opposite side of the fold.  Most students started a sample photo of various rubbings of objects inside and outside of the building.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mr. Martin's class

English:  We are working on chapter 3 vocab (8 words)  They need to write vocab, and use each word in a sentence.  Everyone should have turned in their Dear Mom letter, and the poster for the Help Wanted Advertisement in due Tuesday

Math 7:  We are working on basic algebra with simple variables and constants

Socials:  Today we worked on questions 1-3 of the introductory contour assignment.  We will have to spend more time converting cm to actual distances to properly understand how to use the "scale" of the maps

Haunted House:  Any adults interested in helping with the Haunted House on October 27 and/or 31st, please let your homeroom teacher know

Science:  Mr. Martin's class had a second day on practicing Metric conversions, as well as looking at some practice lab safety questions.  The safety test will be at the end of this week.
Health and Career Ed.  (HCE)

We have been spending a lot of time on learning about ourselves, our values, what is important to us, how we want to be perceived and what inspires us.  This is in preparation for creating a "MISSION STATEMENT" that encompasses what direction the students are heading and how!  They will be asked to choose 3 goals that reflect their mission statement and are SMART (see document in list!).  The 3 areas are:  personal, health and academic. 
As parents, it could be helpful to discuss these topics at home!

Mr.Poirier's Div 07!

Welcome to October folks! Hopefully its as sunny as September was!  or maybe......its gonna get cold and the snows coming!!

English 7/8: Just a reminder to all Div 07 students, the MMI (Me, Myself and I) projects are now due - still awaiting a few more projects. Get them in!
-On the Bridge Short Story responses are also due!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Sept 28, 2012

Open House:  It was great to meet so many of you at the Open House on Wednesday.  Hopefully we can meet all of you again on field trips, class meetings, and other informal events.

Field Trip:  Thanks to all the parents who assisted with driving as well as hiking with our students on Wednesday.  Mr. Martin is waiting to check for any "no publication of student photo" sheets before he posts the pictures on here.

English: Mr. Martin's class should have their good copy of the Dear Mom letter turned in from the novel Airborn.  They have a due date of this Tuesday to have a Help Wanted poster completed for me

Science:  Today one class was re-introduced to the Metric system, and both classes will spend time converting between metric units before we do our science safety test, likely in the next week or so

Socials:  Mr. Martin's class is just starting to look at contour lines for maps, and will have an assignment to take home on Monday.

Haunted House:  Next week you should receive an information sheet regarding assisting with the Haunted House at the end of October.  Mr. Martin will coordinate this event, and is encouraging the students to "Give Back" to the community through participation in this event.  We will require adults to assist the students as actors, as well as security to keep our students safe, and assist with making sure no props dissapear from the event.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Open House:  Don't forget to come meet all the Green Team teachers (and others too!) on Wednesday night.  We will hold a 15 minute Green Team meeting in room 127 (Wocknitz)

Science:  Both division 5 and 6 have had an orientation to the Science lab.  We will be finishing our science safety unit by looking at measuring with the metric system, and how to properly illustrate a scientific drawing.  We will finish the unit with a safety test, and any students who score 100% will give Mr. Martin a hair cut (there's not that much there to begin with!)

English:  Mr. Martin's class had one block to work on typing their good copy of their "Dear Mom" letter from the novel Airborn.  Hopefully we can get in one more block in the computer lab this week to finish them off.  Students will have to hand in their planning sheet, rough copy, and good copy with their "Dress ups" underlined

Socials: Mr. Martin's class had to turn in their 2nd map assignment today.  Unfortunately, only about 1/2 had the assignment turned in on time.  We started working on topographic maps today, specifically looking at contour lines.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Thursday September 20

HCE: Please be sure to bring your planner to class each day

Open House: Everyone is welcome to come to the LWMS open house this Wednesday, September 26.  Green Team will meet at 6 pm in room127 (Wocknitz)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday Sept 19, 2012

Field Trip:  Most forms have come in, but we are still in need of about 4-6 more drivers.  If you don't want to hike with us, we can still use your assistance for driving to and from the parking lot at Rose Swanson.

English:  Mr. Martin's English class started a lesson on "Dress Ups" today.  Each student wrote one sentence of a story and passed it around the room.  We then chose one of the verbs (such as went, walk, came) and made it into a strong verb.  For example, "Mr. Martin walked into the room" was turned into "Mr. Martin stumbled into the room".  On Thursday, we will work with "ly adverbs, quality adjectives and the who/which clause"  All rough copies of the Dear Mom letter from chapter 1 of Airborn should have been handed in

Science:  Today we will be working on a tour of the Science Lab, trying to locate common science equipment

Math 7:  We started working on the rules for division by 2,4,5,and 8 today

Socials:  Mr. Martin's class was given a blank world map, and they spent the afternoon finding a non-political map to duplicate.  (A map that doesn't just show country borders)  The goal they are working on is to use a map to illustrate other types of information.  Some students chose to show world populations, annual income, rainfall, etc.  This map will be due Monday.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Sept 18, 2012

X-Block will start Tuesday, and all students should know which group they are in.  This will occur every period 5, and unless they are in Band, they will have a different "x-block" each term.

English:  Mr. Martin's class should be all finished reading chapter 1, and have 1/2 of their rough copy of their "Friendly Letter" assignment for Tuesday.

Math 7 (Boys):  Mr. Martin's boys have all completed the grade 6 review, and will be starting to look at various patterns in math.  The first major topic will be "Divisibility Rules" (chapter 1).  If you would like to see the online textbook, and the practice book, see the link to the Math Website on the lower right hand side of this blog

Terry Fox Run:  This annual event is happening tomorrow, and we encourage all students to bring $2 to donate.  We will be running around the fair grounds and back to Len Wood, and ending with a picnic lunch on the field. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday September 14, 2012

Field Trip:  Please remember to return the field trip forms asap.  We still need plenty of drivers, so please come along with us.

Science:  Students from division 5 and 6 should be starting to design a cover for their text book

Socials:  Division 6 students had some time this afternoon to work on their map of Canada, (including a Key).  This will be due Friday morning

Art:  Mr. Martin's class had time today to start a watercolor sunset, and will be continuing to work on a silhouette to include in the artwork

Math:  The grade 7 boys are working on a review of the grade 6 material.  Many can use some practice at converting between percent and decimal, as well as calculating with percent (example: $25.99 shirt that is now 15% off)

English:  Division 6 students have a set of vocabulary words and chapter 1 to read for Friday from the novel Airborn

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday September 12, 2012

Field Trip Forms:  Your child should bring home the new permission form for the Rose Swanson Mountain hike we have planned for Wed September 26th.  We are looking for 20-25 parents to join us for the day, and assist with driving. 

Socials:  Mr. Martin was amazed at how many of his students couldn't identify more than 1/2 of the Canadian Provinces, or state the capital city.  Today in Socials, we worked on creating a legend (a map key) for thier Canada map.  Map skills will be incredibly useful in our Social Studies unit on the Roman Empire and other past cultures.

Math: Mr. Martin's grade 7 boys need to have decorated thier textbook covers for tomorrow

Science:  Both Madamme Wocknitz and Mr. Martin's class have been given a challenge for their Science Safety test.  We are just starting to look at safety in the lab, and we will be looking at measurement, and using the Metric system.  Students who get 100% on the test will get to use their artistic talents to give Mr. Martin a hair cut (Yikes!)

Terry Fox Run:  All students have been challenged to bring in at least $2/person toward this upcoming event.  The class that collects the most money will get the opportunity to throw a pie in the face of the organizing classroom (Mrs. Haywood-Farmer)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Welcome and welcome back to the 2011/2012 Geckos!

We hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable summer! (and that they are ready to learn!!)

Our Geckos team has changed a little over the summer.  Unfortunately we have lost Miss McFarland to PVSS this year - in case anyone wishes to visit - and fortunately we have gained another division and 2 more teachers!

Welcome to Mr. Poirier who is the division 7 teacher, and to Mrs. Forster our new librarian and division 5's Social Studies and English teacher!  Returning of course, are Mr. Martin for division 6 and Mme Wocknitz who works with the whole crew!

Naturally, with the busy beginning, we are also starting to plan our first team field trip!  There are 2 ideas on the table: a day hike up Rose Swanson, and a bus trip to Sky Trek Adventures (rope climbing, etc...) in 3 Valley Gap.  Please read the notice that should have come home with your child today and give us your input!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012

Wow, is it really June 1 tomorrow??

We have been very busy in Green team these past two weeks. 

The Math 7, and some Math 8 classes have all had recent tests.  The grade 7 boys are now working on an introduction to Statistics, including concepts such as mean, mode, range, and median.  Recently, Mr. Martin let the boys who were more advanced in Math move ahead at a faster pace, and as such, they are working in small groups to teach each other some more advanced concepts.  They are enjoying the feedom of choice, but are still keeping on task.

Socials: Mr. Martin's class has wrapped up Mesopotamia, and we are watching a series of videos, starting with Queen Nefertitti.  The final outcome I want the class to explore is to "analyze social roles in ancient civilizations"

Science:  We will be ending the year looking at minerals, the layers of the earth, and plate techtonics.  Both classes should now have turned in their last science lab for the year on identifying minerals, and we are watching a series of videos and taking notes on them.

In PE, we are trying to finish Track and Field, before moving on to softball and tennis to wrap up the year.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012

Math;  The grade 7 girls had a chapter test today, the boys will do the chapter review Friday, a practice test Monday, and then the test on algebra on Tuesday.

Science:  Both classes need to bring 2 rock samples that we can break open for Friday/Monday's class (depending on which of the 2 classes they are in)  We will be looking at the properties such as streak, color, cleavage, hardness, etc.  We watched a 2nd video on volcanoes and plate techtonics today.

English: Most students had a chance to do the 3rd series of reading tests called "Star Reader".  This will be of great value for grade 8 students heading into English 9, as it will give their teachers a better idea of their reading level. Mr. Martin's class each has a copy of the final Novel ideas to look at and choose from.

Grade 8 day:  On June 27th, the Len Wood teachers put on a fun day at the pool, and here at the school for the grade 8's.  We will be asking for parent help in setting up and running the bbq that day.  We plan a series of events for the day such as
-pool swim time
-soccer, boche, etc at the park
-water fight at the school field
-unveiling of the legacy tiles
-bbq (setting it up, cutting up fruit, chefs, clean up)

Please let Mr. Martin know if you would be available to help that day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012

Wow, is May ever flying past fast!

In English Mr. Martin has finished the 1 minute speeches, and every student will need to bring a novel to read for 15 mins each class.  We are in the midst of picking our choices of end of novel assignments.  Stay tuned for more information.  We are also finishing up our poems, and we created one on "Anticipation"  Ask the kids how I gave each of them a candy that they couldn't look at, but had to taste (if they were not too scared).  I had them give 5 words to describe their feelings to my not telling them what they were eating, 5 to describe the taste, and 5 after wards.

See the handouts for a list of end of Novel ideas.

In Science, we are looking at minerals, and the earths crust, mantle and core.  We are watching a few videos, and then we will be in the science room testing rock samples based on a series of properties.  Both classes should have their tests back, as well as the latest vocab lists.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Twin Day:  Today many staff and students came dressed as twins.  The Green Team teachers all dressed as Mr. Martin in his bright shirts!  Here are some of the student twins...


English:  Mr. Martin's class has a deadline of Monday to prepare for their one minute speech.  They have all been given cue cards, that they will be practicing with over the next 2 days.  They will be marked on their eye contact, stating a purpose, giving a good "hook" and concluding sentence, etc .  I have posted a sheet on the One Minute Speech onto the list of handouts to the right
Science: We will be marking the chapter 6 test over the next 2 days in class

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday May 7, 2012

English- Mr. Martin introduced the "one minute speech"  This speech is a persuasive topic that is supposed to convince the audience why your topic is all that you are claiming it to be.  Today we discussed the "hook" and concluding statement to keep the audience glued to your topic.  We will post all the handouts online soon, but everyone in the class should have the 2 page handout now.

Math- Grade 7 boys were introduced to statements and equations, and should be able to explain the difference.

Science- both classes have now had a review for their science test this week.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday May 4, 2012

Apparently it's Star Trek day today.  Mr. Martin had no idea what that meant until someone said...
"May the 4th be with you" 

Good luck to all those students in Dance competitions, and Lacrosse games/tournaments this weekend, as well as any other events I missed.

All parents should have received an email outlining assignments and exams coming up next week.  If you are not getting the emails, please let one of the Green Team teachers know.  You should find information on poetry (English), Mesopotamia projects (Socials) and exams (Math 7)

Have a great weekend.
Green Team

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2, 2012

English: Mr. Martin's class has been looking at Poetry this term.  On the list of assignments is a brief overview of the poems they should be finished, and what criteria each had.

Science:  Labs will be due Friday (Martin) or Monday (Wocknitz).  We will have a test on our chemistry unit on Tuesday or Wednesday (depending on which class they are in)  Topics will include vocabulary, key ideas from chapter 6, and classification of matter.  They should be able to state what type of mixture or pure substance a specific example is, and state why.

Math: Grade 7 boys are working on a review of adding and subtracting fractions.  They will have a test on it early next week.

Socials: Mr. Martin's class is just starting a project/report on one of the innovations of Mesopotamia.  They each have a 3 page handout showing examples of innovations, the learning outcome I am using for the assignment, and a rubric for entire project.  Most of this project will be done outside of class time.  I have attached a copy of the assignment on the list of handouts to the right.

Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012

Congratulations to three of our Green Team students who placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd this past weekend in Synchronized Swimming.  Their Vernon team placed 1st overall in the Kamloops meet.

Science-both classes will be creating bar graphs for thier lab last week on the PH levels of various liquids.  They will be following the Science Lab Writeup Format that is currently used at PVSS

English- Mr. Martin's room should all have received their "Tumbling Book" containing their Holiday poem.  They should have their Acrostic Poem, and both their Blind Poem and Sensory Poem complete with images in their Visual Journal

Socials- Mr. Martin's room is currently watching the video series "Kings from Babylon to Baghdad", a video produced by the History Chanel.  They are taking notes, and will be using their information to create a poster or project on one of the many innovations of the Mesopotamian people.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday April 24, 2012

English: Here are a few photos from the Sensory Poem activity.  The students were leaders and were also were being led around the school, over obstacles, under items etc.  The purpose was to see if any senses were more active when they didn't have their sense of sight.  In todays class, Mr. Martin and the students came up with a rubric for what had to be included in their poem of the activity.


Science: Both classes have had a brief vocab quiz (15 marks) based on the chemistry section.  Both classes are to bring in liquids (or solids that we will dilute with water) and we will test their acidity.

Math 7: a reminder to the girls that they have a math test this Thursday.  The grade 7 boys should be able to add mixed fractions and irrational fractions as of today.  Most grade 8's should be comfortable with graphing problems.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday April 19, 2012

English:  Mr. Martin's class spent this afternoon guiding their blindfolded partner around the school, and being blindfolded themselves.  They were getting a chance to experience what it was like to not have the use of their site.  At the end of the class, they had to write down their thoughts, anxieties, and memories of walking the maze of the school while relying on someone else to guide them.  We will take those memories and create poems on the experience next week.

Science: Mr. Martin's class had a brief quiz on chapter 6 vocab and classifying matter today.  Division 5 will have their test on Monday.

PE: Both classes should now be done round 2 of fitness testing.  Next week, weather permitting, we hope to start tennis and possibly soccer.

Math:  The grade 7 boys had a quiz today, and the grade 7 girls should be almost ready for their geometry quiz.

FSA's:  The grade 7's had their FSA tests returned to them today.  This is only one snapshot of their abilities.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello Green Team,

Thank you for the amazing and surprising engagement party! You have all helped to make this time of my life so exciting. It means a lot to me that all of you care so much for me and are so happy for me!
Thanks so much,
Miss. McFarland or the soon to be Mrs. Brunwald;)

Wednesday April 18, 2012

Congratulations:  In 5th period, several students from Ms. McFarland's class wanted to give her a surprise engagement party.  They talked to both classes, and many students brought in food, music and decorations.  Here are a few photos


Science: both classes should be ready for the chapter 6 vocab quiz, and be ready to work on the Acids and Bases lab next week.  Many students still don't have the last big set of labs fully answered.  I discussed with both classes that this work ethic would not work well in the high school.  They had at least 2 weeks to answer the few questions at the end of each part of the lab.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday April 17, 2012

English-Martin:  We spent period 5 in the computer lab, and they had time to find images for their "tumbling" book which holds a poem about their favorite real or fake holiday.  They also had time to find images to decorate their second type of poem, and Acrostic poem.  In this assignment, they wrote a name (theirs, a friends, a favorite sport, etc)  They are to write the name vertically, and use the first letter of that line and use it to start a characteristic of that person. 

Science- both classes should be ready for a vocab test either Thursday or Monday.  We have spent a great deal of time reviewing the chapter 6 chemistry words, and after the quiz, we will be working on an acids and base lab.  Please send your son/daughter with a liquid to test their acidic level with.  I suggested liquids such as apple juice, lemons, lime, tap water, pond water, etc.  Please don't send any strong bases or acids.  We will be working on this lab next week.

Socials- Mr. Martin's class is working on laws of the Mesopotamian time.  We are comparing the laws of that time to consequences given for the same law now.

PE- we are currently outside for most of the classes, weather permitting.  Both classes should be almost done their fitness testing (step ups, sit ups, long jump, shuttle run) with Mr. Martin.  They also have had 1-2 days of road hockey with Ms. Waring

Math- the grade 7 boys have all had their geometry test returned and are working on a mid unit review for adding fractions.  Most Grade 8's are working on algebra and mapping. The grade 7 girls are getting ready to write their geometry test.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday April 13, 2012

Math 7:  Today the grade 7 boys continued with adding fractions.  We used fraction strips and geometric shapes to represent different fractions.  They were reminded what equivalent fractions were, and also lowest term.  They have about 10 questions for homework if they didn't finish in class.

PE: One group has completed the second set of fitness training, and will switch with the 1st group who were playing road hockey.  With many grade 8's away yesterday due to band, we played a big game of capture the flag.

Socials: Martin-we started looking at the land features of Mesopotamia after our few days working on maps of the area.  We discussed delta, plain, and top soil.  I also had them split into groups of 2-3 people and give consequences for breaking rules/laws, based on what should happen in present day, and what they thought might have happened around the time of Mesopotamia-650BCE (Thanks for Ms. McFarland who shared her excellent worksheet)



Science- Both classes should be able to define and give examples of pure substances, elements, compounds and mixtures.

English-Mr. Martin's class had today to work on their Holiday Poem, and had to work on their "tumbling book", onto which their poem will be transferred.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday April 2, 2012

Science:  Today was the last day in the Science Lab for the Mystery Powders.  Tomorrow and Wednesday we will be working on the questions at the end of the lab.

English:  Mr. Martin's class started a Holiday poem about a fake or real holiday.  We used a poem called "Hooray, Hooray, Its New Years Day" as a template for our first poem.  The students were introduced to the concept of Compound Sentences using For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet and So to combine 2 sentences into one.  All of Mr. Martin's class should have their Individual Novel Studies sheets and marks back today.

Math:  The grade 7 boys have a chapter 4 test on Tuesday.

PE: One group will be outside for road hockey and one group inside for day 2 of fitness testing.  We will switch inside and outside groups on Thursday.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday March 30

AVID:  This is an excellent opportunity for those students wanting to learn organizational skills, note taking skills, etc.  Two teachers, including Green Team's very own Ms. McFarland, have taken extensive training to help students who desire to enroll in this program.  We used to run Academic Intervention where the staff and parents signed students up for this after school program, but we didn't always get the student "buy in".  We have just introduced the concept to students at yesterday's assembly, and we had over 20 students go to a lunch hour meeting to get more information.

Science:  Both classes will be done the mystery powder lab by Tuesday.  I have really enjoyed watching the students get hands on experience, and most have told me that they enjoy the change.  I am hoping to come up with a lab to test Acids and Bases of household chemicals, which will be a continuation of our chemistry section




English:  Mr. Martin's class is just starting poetry, and trying to finish off the last of the individual novel presentations

Rick Hansen update:  Congratulations to our own student, Liam Flaten who has been chosen to be our representative to carry the 1 lb silver medal in the cross Canada relay.  Our leg of the relay will take place on Tuesday, come out and support our representative, as well as the 12 other students who were selected by their classmates as nominees for this event.

Socials:  Mr. Martin's class is almost 1/2 way done their debates on the Northern Gateway Pipeline, with the Pro side winning 3 out of 3 debates.  We have 4 more sets to go.

Math 7 Boys:  We will continue to review today and Monday for the unit 4 test, with a test hopefully on Tuesday morning.  This unit covers circles, parallelograms, triangles, as well as creating circle graphs.

Health and Career Ed: Madame Wocknitz has been working with both classes in researching skills and wages, and job opportunities for various jobs. They are creating a duotang of information for their jobs.