Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday April 17, 2012

English-Martin:  We spent period 5 in the computer lab, and they had time to find images for their "tumbling" book which holds a poem about their favorite real or fake holiday.  They also had time to find images to decorate their second type of poem, and Acrostic poem.  In this assignment, they wrote a name (theirs, a friends, a favorite sport, etc)  They are to write the name vertically, and use the first letter of that line and use it to start a characteristic of that person. 

Science- both classes should be ready for a vocab test either Thursday or Monday.  We have spent a great deal of time reviewing the chapter 6 chemistry words, and after the quiz, we will be working on an acids and base lab.  Please send your son/daughter with a liquid to test their acidic level with.  I suggested liquids such as apple juice, lemons, lime, tap water, pond water, etc.  Please don't send any strong bases or acids.  We will be working on this lab next week.

Socials- Mr. Martin's class is working on laws of the Mesopotamian time.  We are comparing the laws of that time to consequences given for the same law now.

PE- we are currently outside for most of the classes, weather permitting.  Both classes should be almost done their fitness testing (step ups, sit ups, long jump, shuttle run) with Mr. Martin.  They also have had 1-2 days of road hockey with Ms. Waring

Math- the grade 7 boys have all had their geometry test returned and are working on a mid unit review for adding fractions.  Most Grade 8's are working on algebra and mapping. The grade 7 girls are getting ready to write their geometry test.

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