Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday January 9, 2011

Explorations:  As Green team only has 2 classes, we didn't switch our explorations class when the rest of the school did in November/December.  At the end of January those students that were in Music Explorations will switch to Tech, and vise versa

English:  Mr. Martin has now marked all the final assignments from the novel "Touching Spirit Bear".  Some students will have a letter going home today to explain which of the final 3 assignments they are missing.  They should have completed the set of questions from Chapter 14-20, written a letter to Circle Justice taking on the role of Peter's parents and asking Circle Justice for help for their son, and turned in the Fakebook assignment with 15 posts and 10 comments.  In Mr. Martin's class, the students have just picked their own novel for an independent novel study.  We discussed over 20 different end of novel ideas that they can choose to do and present to the class after the novel is done (approximately 5 minute presentation in early to mid February)

Dance Gala: A reminder to all students that all grade 7-8 Len Wood students are walking over to PVSS on Wednesday morning for the annual PVSS Dance Gala presentation.

Winter Rec/Fun Day: Green team has decided to spend a day locally at the Centenial hall some time in late January/ early February.  While there, we will watch a movie connected to our English, Socials, or Science theme, some students will try curling, and all the students will get a chance to participate in Improvisational comedy.  A possible second choice would be spending a day at Gardom Lake, with ice fishing, snow events, and a sliding hill.  The cost for Gardom lake would be approximately $10 per student, and there would be no cost for Centenial Hall.

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