Report Cards will be sent home today, Dec 7th - please have your son/daughter return their signed envelope next week. As I signed the reports and scanned over the marks from Div07 I am very pleased with how our students did term 1. Over half of the Div07 students received an academic award for either Achievement, Effort or Principals list. Congratulations to you Div07 for a successful start to the 2012-2013 year, and more importantly, congratulations to you as parents and guardians for encouraging and monitoring your child's academic progress. Keep it up Div07!!
English: We will complete our short stories unit before the holiday break.
To Build a Fir
e responses are
now due.
The Hockey Sweater News article will also be due next week,
Wednesday Dec 12th.
Social Studies: We are now starting a brief unit on early Roman Civilization before we move onto the Medieval Europe Unit after Xmas break. Students can expect a quiz on mapping, determining Lat/Long on a map, various map terms we have covered and identifying elevations on a topographic map before the break.
The interview with a Viking presentations are now complete. Students had some very interesting interviews and demonstrated their knowledge of what they learned in a fun and creative way. Thank you to all the parents who assisted in the making/promotion (IE;feeding other kids who stayed over to shoot the interview!) of the interviews.
These last 2 weeks are going to be very busy, hang on and keep your hands inside the ride at all times.